A Digital Marketing Audit is…

What is a Digital Marketing Audit? Above all a Digital Marketing Audit is an in-depth review of your online presence.

It is an insightful analysis of your online marketing activity.

A channel deep dive benchmarking your strengths and weaknesses.

These insights provide opportunities to optimize performance.

An audit highlights new opportunities for growth.

The outcome of a digital audit is actionable insights into your strengths and weaknesses. Which opportunities are ripe for growth and how to optimize where you are weaker.

Audits provide a framework to analyze your marketing performance. What are the right metrics to measure? And which channels to focus on with insights to inform your strategies.

Understanding and prioritizing your digital assets is key. As I often say, deciding what not to work on is a strategy.

Analyzing activity and data you have across your website, SEO, email campaigns, content, paid search and social media. It’s going beyond Google Analytics provides a new point of view.

All things considered you can really focus in on your online marketing strengths and weaknesses?

Questions a Digital Marketing Audit will answer:


  • Which web pages on your website are ranking highest?
  • Are you suffering from technical issues such as load time and mobile responsiveness?


  • Which keywords are not ranking that should be?
  • What on-page SEO optimizations to focus on to improve ranking results?
  • Are your organic search impressions are not getting clicks?


  • Is your online content easy to find and searchable?
  • How are you presenting your ungated (organic) and gated (paid) lead generation content?

Data Analytics:

  • Is your GA set up to measure KPIs effectively?
  • What does your data tell you today?
  • How can we use customizations will help you measure and test your campaign performance?


  • Which channels have the best click-through rate?
  • What campaigns have the lowest cost to get?
  • Do we have a way to shorten the path to purchase?

As a result of asking these questions the audit in turn helps organizations benchmark the right metrics for your business to measure at key times.

Know where to double down – see which channels to focus on with fresh ways to maximize results.

Improve your targeting – optimize for reach to build focused target audiences.

Visualize your data – reports and templates that provide you with framework to continue to measure performance.


Optimize your digital marketing results 

Digital Audit Packages

We provide flexibility with our Digital Marketing Audit Packages. As shown above there is so much to consider when measuring your successes, start off with a Digital Snapshot for a quick win and general overview on your website SEO.

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